For time: 9-7-5 reps of:
135 lb. Squat Snatch
I did:
Assisted Pull-up followed by Assisted Dip (1 each = 1 muscle-up--at least in my mind).
The first set two sets I used 69.5 lbs. of assistance, and 61 lbs. on the last set.
Still learning the squat snatches. Warmed-up trying a couple with just the empty 45 lb. bar, then did the first nine with 95 lbs. (25 on each end). Those weren't really squat snatches and turned into more of a clean and press, so I used only 75 lbs. (15 on each end) and did fair approximation of a squat snatch although it was really only about a 1/4-squat because I'm having trouble getting down into the full squat on this lift. On the last set I increased to 85 lbs. and again was doing more of a snatch to above head and then pressing the rest of the way up. So on the last 2 reps I went back to lower weight just to finish with good (or somewhat "better") form.
I am so sore and stiff. Left hip is catching a little bit, probably from the 25" box jumps yesterday. Getting in and out of low chairs is difficult because of the stiffness in my knees and hips, glutes, and low back. Hopefully, as I gain strength, this will get better. I see now how out of balance muscles got by doing all the long running and, although I stretched a lot, how the running tends to decrease flexibility with such a small range of motion.
The experiment continues. At least now I can try some of the CrossFit exercises at the gym and not be too self-conscious about how I look. Maybe as I learn the exercises and can do them more smoothly, I'll be less self-conscious. But a day with a work out is a good day.
Monday, May 30, 2011
WOD: From CrossFit Games
For time:
315 lb. Deadlifts
30” Box Jumps
I did:
Deadlifts (1st 21 with 135#, rest with 185# except last 3 with #135 lbs.)
Box Jumps on the second rung of the pull-up machine approximately 25” )
I have never done any deadlifts before. I did 2 with no weight on the bar to see what it is like and watched one video on CrossFit.com. They felt dangerous to my lower back. And that’s why I lowered the weight on my last 3 reps. At that point I had trouble getting the bar even off the floor, and my right knee cap felt like it was not gliding correctly over the joint. I was kind of scared of hurting my back at any time and lifts seemed kind of like slow motion. I tried to use my legs as much as possible, keep my chest up so that my back would be at a good angle, but don’t think I was doing it right.
1000m Run
30 Hand-stand Pushups
1000m Row
.65mi at 7:30 pace (5:00)
30 dumbbell presses (1st 15 25 lbs. 2nd 15 at 30 lbs. = 15-8-7)
100 sumo high dead lifts w/ 45 lb. empty bar5.26.11
As many round as possible in 15 minutes:
15 chest to bar pull-ups
30 second L-seats
I did 3 sets
1st set of pullups with assistance set at 69.5 (I tried 44 and couldn’t do it)
Last two sets with assistance set at 78. First set was 10-5. Second set was 9-6. Third set was 6-5-2-2.
L-sits were on the bars with knees to 90 degrees to 30 seconds and on the last two sets tried to extend legs but don’t have the flexibility or strength to keep straight legs or anything even close to it. Yet.
Missed a couple days because of busy and lazy. Should get back to going to the gym first thing in the morning and get it done.
Day off today after working the weekend.
7 rounds of:
35 double unders
1 snatch
I went to Walmart and bought a jump rope which is far to light to be of any use. Will go back and get the kind with short plastic sections along it’s length.
Didn’t do double unders, did 35 jump ropes as I get used to jumping rope again.
Travis was there in the afternoon so he came and helped me learn to properly do a snatch. After a couple attempts changed to snatching to the chest rather than all the way overhead so that I could learn it better. Did a couple dry-runs before each snatch without weight and no bar, just going through the motion and getting the leg-hip thrust to push the weight up rather than muscling it up with my upper body. Then did the lifts with 75 lbs (25’s on the short 5 foot bar) and did 3 or so each time, to learn it better.
Did six rounds overall with 3-5 snatches each time. Toward the end I would snatch, then press then squat, then put the bar down. Rotator cuffs were kind of sore today (the next day)
Saturday’s WOD:
1 run mile. Post time.
Did it on Sunday morning as I was on-call this weekend and too busy Saturday. Sunday I only ran an 8:35 which is very disappointing. Ran it on the first mile of the MoPac after running and walking out one mile for a warm up. But at least I got it in. Had 7 calls waiting for me for taking 30 minutes to run.
Weight 227.3
6 rounds for time:
50 Squats
25 Dips
I misunderstood and did 50 Squats and 50 Dips.
3 sets completed
Dips were assisted at 69.5 lbs first set, then 75 lbs and finally 95 lbs assist
Squats - 50 1st round. 50 2nd round. 50 3rd round.
Dips: 25, 15, 10 1st round, then 20, 12, 9, 8, then 15, 10, 10, 8, 7
Didn’t want to do more squats because I wanted to take it easy on my knees and had a knee cap sharp shooter momentarily after last set. Couldn’t have done more dips.
No weight.
Ran 3 miles in 31 minutes (the first 3 were walking for a warm-up) for a warm-up and get a running work out.
Weighted Pull-ups 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
I did assisted pull-ups and decreased the amount of assistance as follows:
95 - 86.5 - 78 - 69.5 - 61 - 52.5 - 44 (fail) - 52.5 (completed).
On failure, I didn’t feel that I was able to give a full struggling to the very end effort. I just got to a certain point in the pull-up and couldn’t complete it. It was weird, like the strength just disappeared at a certain point. I guess there’s a lot of strength to be built-up -- starting today!
Weight 230.2
WOD Thrusters 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Just learning how to do them. Used 85 lbs at home. My “warm-up” was mowing the back yard. Later did 5 curls with the same 85 lbs. The Thrusters didn’t feel great, not very coordinated. It was more like a front squat and then a press rather than a thrust through the motion all the way to the top. Maybe next time I’ll get a bit better.
Overate at supper.
Didn’t do much last week at all. Didn’t eat well at all. Was stressed about the New Cov Project Serve Day at Tabitha Village and M.O.W. recipient. The day went well, like always. It wasn’t worth the stress. So in the last about 3 weeks I’ve gained like 8 lbs.
Wt: 230.8
Calories: Counted breakfast and lunch, was at 1100, Then ate way too many M&M’s at work because they were right behind me. Tortilla casserole for supper was impossible to figure out the calories. Low Fat Yogurt for bedtime snack.
Jogged and walked 2 miles. Just getting my legs loose again after not working out. Knees, ankle and shin hurt while running so also walked. Will feel better next time.
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 275# Deadlifts (85 lbs. all the weight I have)
7 135# Push Presses (85 lbs. all the weight I have)
Did 3 rounds in about 6 minutes. Could have done heavier and faster, but am trying to learn to do these lifts correctly. Later tried holding my 30 and 35 lb. dumbbells and the barbell and did 3 deadlifts, so that would be 150# and that felt about right to learn how to do them correcdtly and do the workout. My knees sound like ground glass when I do these, so I wonder if they are ok.
(I did Sunday’s WOD today, because it looked do-able and Monday’s WOD looked much more difficult, plus I could do Sunday’s at home and would have to go to a crowded gym for Monday’s)
Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps (did only 45 lbs because I wanted to learn to do them right. In hindsight, I should have used more)
15 Bar-facing burpees (did only 10 each set, and the last of each was difficult. I can’t do 10 without stopping for a rest during yet. They are harder than they look. My flexibility (lack of) is a limiting factor in doing burpees well at this point)
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps (did only 45 lbs because I wanted to learn to do them right. In hindsight, I should have used more)
15 Bar-facing burpees (did only 10 each set, and the last of each was difficult. I can’t do 10 without stopping for a rest during yet. They are harder than they look. My flexibility (lack of) is a limiting factor in doing burpees well at this point)
Time: 18:34
Too sore to work out today.
Butt and thighs very painful despite stretching.
Trouble getting in and out of chairs.
5.7.11 Starting CrossFit
Wt: 226.4
Neck: 15.125";
Rt Bicep: 14.5";
Rt Forearm: 11.75";
Chest (Nipples) Expanded: 48"
Belly (Navel) Sucked-In: 41.5"
Mid-Thigh: 21.25
Mid-Calf: 15"
21 - 15 - 9
21” Box Jumps (Used Travis’ box -- 10”?)
75 lb. Snatches (accidentally only did cleans)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups. (assisted 95#)
Did all as adjusted above in 21 minutes
Later: 3 mi. jog
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