Sunday, June 12, 2011


Very sore today, but went to the gym hoping it would work out the kinks. It didn't work out that way. I am more sore than ever (almost) with very tight left hip, left knee, sore shoulders afterwards. My back is not only tight, but today was "pinchy" and a couple sharp pains, so am trying to watch that.

2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Push Jerks

I did:
95 - 105 - 110 - 115 - 120 - 125 (fail to get full extension) - 125 fail - 120  fail - 115 - 115

Wondering where to go from here. Work out tomorrow? Don't work out? Also, I am on-call tomorrow evening so it is not the most convenient day to work out any way. But I wonder about taking more time off to get this hip and knee feeling better. Also should add stretching a couple times per day and maybe icing and heat, alternating for a day or two. It's surprising how much these lifting tighten up my hamstrings and hips, and since not running very much I'm stretching less than before.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you continue to stretch! Also, a foam roller would be a good investment!
