Tuesday, June 28, 2011


WOD: Active Recovery

Jogged/Ran/Walked 4 miles on the Murdock trail. It is about 69 degrees out on a beautiful summer evening and the sunset was beautiful. Not a killer workout, but not a wasted day. Workouts like this should aid in recovery, still improve cardio, no stress my joints and muscles much, and pump out some built up lactic acid.

Maybe someday, months from now, I can get back to CrossFit 3 days on and 1 day off following the national website. But I need to take it slower than I did the first time. My joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments have strengthened in certain ways to support my (too-big) frame and limited range of motion of distance running. These things are not going to change quickly. By increasing range of motion through multiple joints required for CrossFitting, I will slowly increase my flexibility and hopefully muscle resiliency. But that will take time. God made our bodies in an amazing way, so that, at age 50, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments all can remodel to support the new and different strains I am putting on them. Bones will tear off tissue and then lay it back down in a way that will support the new activities. Hormones will release and allow tendons and ligaments to become more elastic and strong in places that allow the greater range of motion and pull of stronger muscles on them.

But the Lord did not make our bodies in a way that this will happen overnight. In about 6-8 weeks my bones will be pulled down and at their thinnest. Soon after new bone tissue will begin being laid down in such a way that they are "engineered" to handle greater loads across a wider range of motion. I must remember not to rush the process -- it will happen in its time.

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