Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Getting ready to go back to the Tetons.

42 minutes of walking at Mahoney Park (city) with 24 lb. backpack.

8.29.12A "CrossFit Total"

WOD:  "CrossFit Total"
1 Back Squat
1 Strict Press
1 Deadlift

I Did: 605 (New PR)

215 Back Squat (on Smith machine: 135 - 185 - 215(PR) - 225 (insufficient depth)

115 Shoulder Press (95 - 115 - 125 (Previous PR) couldn't get half-way up)

275 on Deadlift (new PR) ( 225 - 275 PR)

Total 605: (PR by 15 lbs.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Second WOD of the Day! And Semi-Fasting Day 2...

WOD: Chipper for Time:
25 Walking Lunge Steps
20 Pull-Ups
50 Box Jumps, 20" Box
20 Double Unders
25 Ring Dips
20 Knees to Elbows
30 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
30 Sit-Ups
20 Hang Squat Cleans, 35-lb. Dumbbells
25 Back Extensions
30 Wall Ball Shots, 20-lb. Ball
3 Rope Climb Ascents

I Did: 33:05

25 Walking Lunge Steps
20 Pull-Ups (27-lb. Assist)
50 Box Jumps (to bench)
20 Side-to-Side Jumps over a Dumbbell
25 Ring Dips (27-lb. Assist)
20 Knees to Elbows
30 Kettlebell Swings, 50-lb. Dumbbell
30 Sit-Ups
20 Hang Power Cleans, 35-lb. Dumbbells
25 Back Extensions
30 Wall Ball Shots, 12-lb. Ball
15 110-lb. Rope Pull-Downs


10-8-6-4-2 of Muscle Ups and 30" Box Jumps

I Did: (didn't start my watch right away): About 11 or 12 minutes of:
Muscle Up Progressions (27-lb. Assist Pull-ups x2 and 2 assisted Dips: 1-to-1 for #)
and Jumps to Sit-Up Bench

Monday, August 27, 2012


WOD: 30 rounds for distance:
Row 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

I Did:
30 rounds for 2 miles total of:
Run 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


WOD: Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I Did: 105 - 115 - 125 - 135 - 145 (felt really good, slight form break) - 155 fail - 155 fail - 150 fail

New PR at 145. Would have liked to go higher but couldn't get arms around to get under the bar after the shrug and lift.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


WOD: (BD): For Time:
135-lb. Thrusters, 15
Run 200 meters
95-lb. Thruster, 20
Run 400 meters
65-lb. Thruster, 30
Run 800 Meters

I Did: (with Mike Kuzma): 16:59, of
95-lb. Thrusters, 15
Run 200 meters (1 lap around building)
80-lb. Thrusters, 20
Run 400 meters (2 laps)
65-lb. Thrusters, 30
Run 800 meters (4 laps)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


WOD: (BD): 5 rounds for time of:
275-lb. Deadlifts, 5
Burpees, 10

I Did:  18:48
225-lb Deadlifts, 5
Burpees 10

Saturday, August 18, 2012


WOD: (BD) For time: 5 rounds of:
135-lb overhead walking lunges, 25 feet
Knees to Elbows, 15

I Did: 19:48
Walking Lunges, 25 feet, with two 35-lb. DB at side or on shoulders
Knees to Elbows

Friday, August 17, 2012


WOD: Balance Snatch 1 - 1- 1 -1 -1 -1 -1

I Did:

55 - 65 - 85 - 95 - 115 - 125 - 135
These weren't perfectly snatches because I can't do an overhead squat, but it wasn't a press or a push press either, I snatched as much as I could by firing and jumping with my legs and getting self under the bar at it's peak. Definitely need a spotter because my arms are too wide to lower the bar back down to in front of me.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


WOD: Rest Day
I did a make-up WOD from a few days ago...
10 rounds for time of: Run 400 meters, rest for 2 minutes (Big Dawg)

I Did: Run for 2 minutes, Walk for 2 minutes. No time or distance to be sure of, except the intervals. On the MoPac trail on a pretty and cool August evening.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


WOD: (Big Dawg):
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 2-pood Kettlebell Swings
10 24-inch Box Jumps
10 Ring Dips

I Did:
4 Complete Rounds of
10 70-lb Dumbbell Swings
10 21-24-inch Box Jumps (to sit-up machine)
10 Dips with 16 lbs. Assist

Monday, August 13, 2012


WOD: Three rounds for time of: Row 500 meters, Run 400 Meters

I Did: 15:14 (on Murdock Trail)
50 SDHP with 35 lb. DB, and
Run 400 paces


Hiking with Joanna. 2 hours of hiking at Platte River State Park at sunrise. Beautiful and pics to boot.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8.7.12 "Tabata Something Else"

WOD:  Tabata Something Else: 20 Seconds of Exercise with 10 seconds of Rest for 8 rounds of 4 exercises: 8 rounds of Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Squats

I Did:
37 Pull-Ups (35.5-lb. assist)  (6-5-5-5-5-4-3-4)
62 Push-Ups (10-10-10-6-6-7-6-7)
71 Sit-Ups (9-10-10-9-8-9-8-8)
86 Squats (10-10-10-10-10-10-12-14)
Grand Total: 256

Tried to use less assist on the pull-ups, but the machine doesn't seem to be working correctly at the lower weights of assistance.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

8.5.12 and Measurements

Shoulder Press (Strict) 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

I Did:
Shoulder Press 95 - 105 - 115 (Match PR) - 125 (New PR) - 130 (Fail)

Push Press 115 - 120 - 125 - 130 - 135 (Matches PR and did 3 Reps)

Jerk Press 95 - 105 - 115 - 135 (Matches PR and did 5 reps) - 140 (1 Rep for new PR)

Measurements (8/5/12, 3/18/12, 7/2/11, 5/7/11)

Wt: 228 /  239.6 / 235 / 226.4

Neck: 16" / 15.5" / 15.785 / 15.125
Rt Bicep: 15.5" / 15.5" / 14.875 / 14.5
Rt Forearm: 12.125 " / 11.875" / 11.875 / 11.75
Chest (Nipples) Expanded: 49.25 / 49.75" / 49.5 / 48"
Belly (Navel) Sucked-In: 43.25 / 44.5" / 43.5 / 41.5"
Mid-Thigh: 22" / 22.125" / 22.5 / 21.25
Mid-Calf: 15.25" / 15" / 15.25 / 15"

Saturday, August 4, 2012


WOD: (Big Dawg) 75-lb. Thrusters, 30; 15-foot rope ascents, 3; Thrusters, 20; 2 rope climbs; Thrusters, 10, 1 Rope climb

I Did: 11:15 subbing 110-lb. rope pull-downs for climbs, 3-to-1 for 15, 10, 5

Thursday, August 2, 2012

8.2.12 "Filthy Fifty"

WOD: "Filthy Fifty" (scaled to 35 for Pack but upgraded some of the exercises to Big Dawg*)

35 18-20" Box Jumps
35 Jumping Pull-ups
35 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)
35 Walking Lunge Steps
35 Abmat Sit-ups
35 Push Press (45 lbs.)
35 Back Extensions
35 Wall Ball Shots (14-20 lb. ball)
35 Burpees
35 Double-Unders

I Did: 35:07, upgrading the Sit-Ups to Toes-to-Elbows (BD); only had as 12-lb. ball available for the Wall-Balls, Burpees to the floor (previously did them to the bench); subbed side-to-side barrier jumps for double unders

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


WOD: Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

I Did:
135x2 (couldn't quite lock out on jerk) -- Match PR
140x1 (second attempt with good clean and half a jerk) -- NEW PR