Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today: I will go for a 4 mile run of either intervals or jogging depending on how my legs feel after last night's workout. Later, am going camping (probably in thunderstorms) with Andrew and we'll hike around Indian Cave Park. He really wanted to try camping and hiking once before he moves to L.A. It's great to be fit enough to do what I want to do and not be giving up on things at 50 (way to young to start packing it in -- wish I could convince others of the same).

It was good to see some of my nieces and nephews on the 4th.

Haven't been keeping up on the posts -- and now I can't even remember exactly what I did.

Last night I worked out in my own garage for the first time. Partly because my gym doesn't have room or the equipment to do the WOD and my garage had some form of everything I needed.

20 lb. Wall Balls
24" Box Jumps
1.5 pood Kettlebell swings

I did:
24 lb. Wall balls (that's what my homemade ball weighs)
8" Box Jumps (just using the step in my garage, seemed meager and would have liked to find a way to make it 16" or more)
35 lb. Kettlebell swings (using my 35# dumbbell, wold rather have used a 45# plate at the gym)

on 7/4: it was my holiday to work and then with the 4th of July, I didn't get a work out in.

7/3: Ran 4 miles on the Murdock Trail. I basically worked from 8 a.m. Friday until 5 p.m. Tuesday as I was on call for the weekend and holiday and just plain stressed and busy. I am finding that, sometimes I don't want to add the physical stress of CrossFit when I am already having other stress. Maybe this is an indication that I should cut down the intensity or whatever of the workouts so that it is still a good had workout (like last night) but not so painful or stressful that I avoid doing it. I will still be making gains or at least maintaining strength -- but more slowly. Paid my $25 for a CrossFit subscription last night and read the article about Underloading, so that shows me that progress can still be made, and sometimes even greater progress, by moderating rather than going full intensity all the time. However, that's not what one would generally hear around a gym.

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