Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6.15.11 "Fran"

3 rounds of 21-15-9
95 lb. Thrusters

I Did:
21-15-9 of 95 lb. Thrusters and Pull-ups with 69.5 lbs. assist.
The thrusters weren't great. Probably only about a 1/2-squat with the thruster. This makes me wonder if it is more important to get up to the RX weight and then work on increasing form as it gets easier, or to do lighter weights for longer and then up the weight to RX?
Should have worked out yesterday, but we went out to dinner and did some things as a family, and, as sore as I was, the extra day probably did me good. Still shooting for 3 days on, 1 day off on a consistent basis. Feeling stronger, possibly bigger, but gaining weight and really need to get rid of some of this fat.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely do lighter weight to the full range of motion and then try and speed it up. As you can get the full ROM and speed, add weight slowly until you can RX the wods, it takes a LOT of time to get to RX on the wods, don't rush it! Also - be sure to warm up very well before the wods, that will help!!
