Wednesday, June 8, 2011


1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Snatch Balance

I did:
2 warms ups with empty bar to try to learn this lift. I have never done it before.
2 warm ups with 10 lbs on each end / 65 pounds to continue learning.

For the set I did
95 lbs. Not too hard at all. Didn't really get that squat into it like in the Allison NYC video clip.
105 lbs. Not to bad.
115 lbs. Got it up. Had some trouble controlling it coming down, which is a problem.
125 lbs. Fail. couldn't get arms extended and new I wouldn't be able to control it coming back down. No spotter and end-up crashing the bar into the rack.
115 lbs. Completed. Poor control and crashed into the rack.
95 lbs. Just to finish with a fair approximation of what I should do. Added a squat with it at the end.
95 lbs. Same as above.
Overall, Felt like I might have been able to do more weight with a spotter or being able to just drop the weights like they do in the videos -- which I cannot do at Snap Fitness. On the other end. There is a very narrow area for me at this point between being able to get a lift up or not -- as I still don't have much upper body strength, so there is no way to "muscle" it up if I don't get it the first time. It is kind of all or nothing at this point. As I gain strength it may change.

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