Saturday, June 30, 2012

First DIY Hammock

Worked on my first DIY camping hammock today.
Fabric: Nylon Taffeta for one layer, 1.1 oz. Nylon Ripstop for inner layer. ( $3.99/yard x3 yards 3 = $24.00)
Rope: 3/8" x 50' Highland Saxon Polypropylene Rope (600 lb. load, wt. of 50' rope = 12 oz.) ($9.99), 2 "C"-Clamps (closable kind from hardware section) (Walmart)
Note: Moose's Tooth has Tubular Webbing with 4,000 lb. breaking strength for climbers. Online this sells for 36 cents/foot.

Construction: Double Fisherman's Knot to make loops out of the rope (two long loops to go around the tree, two short loops to attach to the hammock). Double Sheet Bend (plus double links of rope) to attach the hammock. Look  "How to Tie a Knot" on internet. No whipping needed, no hem/channel needed for this knot. Prusik Knot on the C-Clamp (both loops of rope attach to the C-clamp with Pruski's). Cut the fabric to 50" x 109" on the ping pong table using a 6 ft aluminum ruler for straight edge and c-clamps to hold it in place while cutting with a soldering iron.

So far, very happy with the way the rigging turned out. The whole suspension only weighs 12 oz.
The two sheets of fabric (before cutting them to size) w
eigh about 14 oz.

I would like to add a bug net at some time. Check Lincoln Tent and Awning to see if they have No-Seeum mesh. Otherwise Joann's Fabric has black, dark green, brown Nylon Tulle for $1.99/yard (60 inches wide).

I think I would like to hem each edge of the two sheets. Then Sandwich bug net between two layers and so all 3 together as a sandwich along one side. Use some replacement tent Shock Cord for a ridge line and attach to the C-Clamps with carabiners. Not sure how to affix the other side of the net to keep the bugs out. If I ever sow the two sheets together, leave room to slide my sleeping pad between them. I might be able to use my old Kelty Tent Fly for a rain fly for the hammock. Otherwise maybe check garage sales for old tents cheap and use the fly? Or get some sylnylon for the fly. I could wrap a loop of velcro around each end were the bug net comes together to close the ends.

Friday, June 29, 2012


WOD: Cindy Variation: AMRAP 12:00 minutes of: 12x 95-lb. Push Press; 12 Pull-Ups; 12 Pistols

I Did: 3 Rounds + Presses and Pull-ups
I decreased my assist on the pull-ups 5 lbs. to 39.5 lbs.
For the Pistols I did cross-legged pistols and used the I-Beam in the gym for balance/support

Thursday, June 28, 2012


WOD: Back Squats 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I Did: (CRAPPY!!!!)
185 - 185 - 195 - 135x3 - 155x3 - 155x2 - 155x3

On the heavier lifts I just couldn't get down as deep into the squat as I should.
I really wanted to PR tonight and have been looking forward to this workout. But it just didn't go that way.
So instead, I lightened up the weights and worked on form and proper depth (ass-to-grass). Still didn't do great at these.
My back squats seem to be going be getting worse instead of better!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6.26.12 "SQT"

Three rounds for time of:
65 pound Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice
I Did: 7:36 (at Tabitha 4LifeQuest)
70-lb Ground to Overhead (35-lb. Dumbbells)
200 Yard Shuttle run around the track

Monday, June 25, 2012

6.25.12 "Strange"

Hero WOD: 8 Rounds for time of: Run 400m, 11 20-30-lb Weighted Pull-Ups, 11 Lunge Steps with 20-30 lb. Dumbbells, 11 Thrusters with 20-30 lb. Dumbbells.

I Did:
Self-imposed a 40-minute limit because I wanted to be able to work out tomorrow rather than have a rest day -- and because this is a BEAST of a workout.
Completed 5 rounds in 39:16 of:
Run 1/4 mile (treadmill)
11 Pull-ups (44-lbs. Assist)
11 Walking Lunge Steps with two 25-lb. Dumbbells
11 Thrusters with two 25-lb. Dumbbells
--- Killer workout.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


WOD: Three rounds for time of:
15 Knees to elbows
15 Hip extensions
Handstand walk 15 meters
15 Box jumps, 24” box

I Did: 14:31

Knees to armpits (often touching toes between each rep)

Handstand against the wall, hold for 20 seconds (first time doing this, working toward getting a handstand pushup eventually)

Box Jumps to bench (about 15"??)


WOD: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5

I did: 135 - 135 - 135 - 145 - 145
No Spotter. Took a hint from video demo on CF where guy said instead of starting low and working up, start fairly near max weight and do that repetitively. That increases the maximum weight (in total pounds) lifted over the workout.  = 135 x 15 = 2025 and 145 x 10 = 1450 for Total 3,475 lbs.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


WOD: For Time: 21-15-9 of 185-lb. Deadlifts and 75-lb. Thrusters.

I Did: 16:24
Not enough bars available so for the Thrusters I did 35-lb. Dumbbell Thrusters.

The Thrusters were the hardest part. The deadliest were relatively easy. Biggest hold back was heart and breath.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6.20.12 "Nick"

WOD: "Nick" (new hero WOD); 7 rounds for time of 30 lb. Dumbbell Squat Cleans 10 reps and six hand-stand Push-ups

I Did: 17:28: with the Hand-Stand Pushups with feet on back extension machine. On the first 3 rounds I messed-up the instructions and did 7 DB squat cleans so I did an extra set of 9 to make up for them at the end. Heart was POUNDING on this one.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


WOD: For time. Seven rounds each of: 15 Push-Ups; Run 60 yards; Rest 60 seconds.

I Did: 11:06

Friday, June 15, 2012

6.15.12 "Amanda"

WOD: “Amanda”
Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
Muscle-up (or Progressions with 2-to-1 if Progressions)
95 pound Squat snatch

I Did:  14:19
44-lb. Assisted Pull-ups and Dips, 2 for each one prescribed (two pull-up, two dips = 1 muscle-up)
95-lb. Power Clean with a Front Squat added (each two movements = 1 Squat Clean
(I can't do Squat Snatches because I cannot do Overhead Squats because of flexibility and shoulder issues)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


WOD: For Time: Run 1600m; 100 double-unders; 40 Burpees; Run 800m; 75 double-unders; 25 Burpees; Run 400m; 50 double-unders; 15 Burpees

I Did: (Approx 38 minutes -- no watch and I was out on the Murdock Trail):
Run 1 mile (From East end to the bench and back); 100 tuck jumps (Knees to waist height); 40 Burpees (to park bench); Run 1/2 mile (to the bench); 75 Tuck Jumps; 25 Burpees; Run 1/4 mile (Approx., toward the other bench); 50 tuck jumps; 15 Burpees

Before hand I really didn't think I could complete this whole workout (even scaling the scaling the way I do). But I DID IT! Am very sore and will be more so tomorrow. But it's a rest day tomorrow and I'll be good. (fingers crossed)

Monday, June 11, 2012


WOD:                                         I Did:
Rope Ascents x5                         5 Pull-Downs on Lat Machine w/ 110 lbs x5
Clean & Jerk 95 lbs. x5               RX
Rope Ascents x4                         5 Pull-Downs on Lat Machine w/ 110 lbs x4
Clean & Jerk 105 lbs. x4             RX
Rope Ascents x3                         5 Pull-Downs on Lat Machine w/ 110 lbs x3
Clean & Jerk 115 lbs. x3             RX -- Match PR for Clean
Rope Ascents x2                         5 Pull-Downs on Lat Machine w/ 110 lbs x2
Clean & Jerk 125 lbs. x2             RX -- New PR for Clean, New PR for Jerk
Rope Ascents x1                         5 Pull-Downs on Lat Machine w/ 110 lbs x1
Clean & Jerk 135 lbs. x1             RX -- Second Try (after the clock had stopped.
                                                    Couldn't quite lock out with the clock running)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

6.10.12 "Cindy"

WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 5 Pull-ups; 10 Push-Ups; 15 Squats

I Did: 7 Rounds + 5 Squats (nearly 8 rounds)

Pull-ups: 44-lb. assist
Push-ups: Chest to Floor

New PR

Friday, June 8, 2012

6.8.10 "CrossFit for Hope"

WOD: Continuously running 1:00: Burpees; 55 lb. Power Snatch; 20" Box Jumps; 55 lb. Thrusters; Pull-ups. Rest one minute. Repeats 2 more times.

I did: 50-50-49
Burpees to bench
44 lb Assist on Pullups
Box Jump to bench.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


WOD: Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3

I Did: Front Squats 95 - 105 - 115 (Matches PR for 3) - 125 (New PR) - 115

Getting better at racking on shoulders against my neck, still fight some to keep the weight from going out front, especially as the weights get heavier. Overall getting better at these -- and a new PR (again!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6.6.12 "Michael"

WOD: 3 rounds for time of: Run 800m; 35 Back Extensions; 35 Sit-Ups

I Did: 27:36 of Run 1/2 mile (treadmill); 35 Back Extensions; 35 Sit-Ups

PR'd by about 5 minutes

Monday, June 4, 2012


WOD: 21-15-9: Hang Squat Cleans w/ 35 lb. Dumbbells; Handstand Push-up Progressions

I Did: 15:12 of Hang Squat Cleans w/ 35 lb. Dumbbells; and Handstand Progressions (Feet on back extension machine)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

6.3.12 "Nancy"

WOD: "Nancy" 5 rounds for time of: Run 400m, Overhead Squats 75 lbs x15 reps.

I Did: 20:10 of 1/4 mile runs on treadmill and Overhead Squats with the weighted bar (not the barbell).

I still can't do overhead squats. I can't keep the bar over or behind my head and squat. So that's either shoulder or thoracic mobility or both. Don't know if I'll ever be able to do one.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

6.2.12 + PALEO NOTE

WOD: Pull-Up Ladder: Each minute on the minute do 1 pull-up, second minute 2 pull-ups, etc. until unable to complete. May use as many rounds during the minute as needed.

I Did: 44-lb. assist: 9 rounds plus 6 pull-ups. (Total 51).

Last time I did this I used (I think) 72-lbs assist and did 10 rounds plus 6. Today was a big improvement because of the lesser assistance needed.

On 5/20/12 (Monday) I started trying to follow the Paleo Diet, after reading THE PALEO ANSWER and now reading THE PALEO DIET COOKBOOK. So far I have lost about 8 pounds (less than 2 weeks), have increased energy, less tiredness, not tired after eating meals. It's not easy to follow PALEO but seems to be going well. Dr. Dionisopoulos/nutritionist said it was ok, but cautioned me not to completely exclude any food groups (like dairy, grains, or legumes). So far I have extremely limited those items. I feel about this diet because every 6 months I have a cholesterol check anyway, so that is a built in safety measure.

Friday, June 1, 2012

6.1.12 "CrossFit Total"

WOD: Back Squat 1 Rep; Shoulder Press 1 Rep; Deadlift 1 Rep.

I Did:
Back Squat: 225 (fail); 225 (fail); 210 (no rep, not enough depth).
*** No spotter, plus I miss-added the weights and started with 225 which I thought was 185. On the 210 I just couldn't get deep enough in the squat to call it a good rep *****

Shoulder Press (strict): 105; 115 (match PR); 120 (fail); 120 (fail)

Deadlift: 245; 265 (PR); 275 (fail)