Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2.29.12 (Leap Day!)

WOD: For time:
15 Handstand push-ups (25 HSPU progressions)
35 Toes-to-bar
Run 800 meters
75 pound Push press, 50 reps
100 Double-unders

(Lots of stuff I can't do yet on this WOD, so:)
I Did:  27:42
25 Handstand progressions (Feet on bench)
35 Knees to Chest
Run 1/2 mile
75 pound Push press, 50 reps
100 Tuck Jumps

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


WOD: Weighted Pull-Ups: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I Did: Assisted Pull-Ups:  44 (Best--the first time I tried) - 35.5 - 29 (32 was previous PR on 7/8/11) - 24.5 - 20.5 (fail/front grip) -  20.5 (fail/back grip) - 22.5 (fail/front grip) - 22.5 (fail/back grip)

So my new PR is 24.5 which is almost 8 pounds better than previous!
My weight this morning was 241 so Really that means I can Pull-up 216. pounds.

Monday, February 27, 2012


WOD: Three rounds for time of: 300m Row; 20 Wallballs w/ 20-lb. Ball; 10 Pull-Ups.

I Did: 23:58: 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95 lbs. first round, 45 next two); 20 Wallballs with 24-lb. ball; 10 Pull-Ups with 61 lb. assist

150 kcal warm up on elliptical and 100 kcal cool-down

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2.22.12 "CrossFit Total"

WOD: 1x Back Squat; 1x Shoulder Press; 1x Deadlift

I Did:
Back Squat: 205 (matched PR and got a little better depth than last time)
Shoulder Press: 115 (5 lbs. less than last time but this was STRICT press, no legs/ankles at all)
Deadlift: 250 (PR)

Total is 5 lbs. down from last time. Main trouble with the Back Squat I believe is flexibility --> Keeping my scapula over the balls of my feet (the weight wants to keep coming forward). Disappointed to be 5 lbs down from last CrossFit Total, but I should be because I did these more like they are supposed to be done. Need to watch form, not weight totals, and keep working on that. Need to improve flexibility.

Monday, February 20, 2012



Five rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders
I Did: 28:34
15 Rope Pull-Downs, 90 lbs. alternating hands
10 Wallball shots, 24 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 50 lb. Dumbbell
20 Tuck Jumps, knees to 90 degree angle with hips



Five rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders
I Did: 28:34
15 Rope Pull-Downs, 90 lbs. alternating hands
10 Wallball shots, 24 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 50 lb. Dumbbell
20 Tuck Jumps, knees to 90 degree angle with hips

Sunday, February 19, 2012


WOD: 21-15-9; 95-lb Power Clean; 95-lb Thrusters

I Did: 36:17
Power Cleans started out with 10 reps, then 5 and 5; then 8 and 7, then 5 and 4.
Thrusters we in reps of 3-4. Very difficult. Hard getting to proper depth in the squat part, and difficulty keeping the weight back and not out in front of me. Had to focus on keeping the bar up against my neck in the square portion.

Dr. Dionisopoulos said that at the rate I work out, I'm basically giving my self a stress test each day. I need to back off some to avoid stressing my heart too much. So today I still went hard, but did take more breaks and a little longer breaks to get my heart rate back down. Warmed and Cooled with 100 kcal on the elliptical. Very, very stiff tonight.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Five rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 Double-unders
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
Rest 90 seconds

I Did: 27:23
10 Burpees (to paralette)
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 Tuck Jumps (to height of paralette)
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
Rest 90 seconds

Monday, February 13, 2012


Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3 reps

I Did: (in the basement so didn't have a lot of weight)
Strictly working on form. Think I did really well keeping the weight going directly up and down near vertical by racking the bar up against my neck, keeping focus on keeping weight and driving from the heels, and tracking knees over the feet. My front squat is coming along although I didn't do a lot of weight tonight, I did it RIGHT, for once. Also did pushups, then pushups on the paralettes, then feet elevated pushups, then hip elevated--close to handstand pushups, and a few sit-ups.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


WOD: For time: 
Row 1500 M 
35 Wall-ball shots, 14 pound ball 
Row 750 M 
25 Wall-ball shots, 14 pound ball 
Row 500 meters 
15 Wall-ball shots, 14 pound ball

I did: 31:24 Ran 1 mile (alternating between 6.0 and 7.0 each minute); 35 Wall-balls;  Ran .75 miles (alternating between 3.4 and 7.0), 25 Wall-balls; Ran 0.5 mile (alternating 6.0 and 7.0) and 15 Wall-balls

Since there is no rower, and I did 105 pull-ups yesterday, I subbed running rather than Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls today (which would have been 150 - 100 - 75) and would have been just too much. Still had a good workout. Wore my new splint and my ankle is not as sore as yesterday.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2.4.12 45 minutes heavy snow shovel


2.11.12 "Erin"

WOD: (per  Brand-X Pack)
Five rounds for time of:
25-30 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups

I did: 
Five rounds in 34:57 of
25-lb. Dumbbell split cleans, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups (first 2 rounds with 61-lb. assist, and last 3 rounds 69.5-lb. assist)

Friday, February 3, 2012


WOD: Press, 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

I Did:
Press (strict shoulder press, no push press)
95 - 95 - 100 - 105 - 110 - 115 (fail) - 105 - 105 - 105- 110 (fail)

Warmup: Run 1 mile: 208 kcal
Cooldown: Elliptical 13 minutes: 220 kcal

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Seven rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 L-pull-ups

I Did: 
seven rounds of 
185 lb. Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Assisted Pull-ups (first round, jumping pull-ups, 2-7 with 61 lb. assist)