Sunday, August 7, 2011


Another made up WOD today. Trying to balance using different muscles, different effects and struggling to use less weight. I read the foundations and primary training info in the CrossFit Journal and one thing that especially stood out to me is the correct "loading" of weights. The article said that in exercises with multiple rounds, the weight should be set such that, the first round is difficult but do-able. The second round needs to be broken into sections. And the third round should be having to do just a few reps with each section to get through it (or something to that effect).

25-15-9: Deadlifts; Dumbbell Presses
I did the first 5 deadlifts with 185 lbs because I had been able to get through this type workout with that weight before. However, my lower back felt sketchy, and I could only do about 3 lifts and then break, so following the advice above, I reduced to 135 lbs and was able to do 10-12 reps, then break and get back to it quickly. That is still more weight than advised above, but I think I can live with this, and my back felt much more able to handle the load. I used 30 lbs dumbbells for the overhead presses, and that felt about right as well, because with the final lift on each round I was barely able to lock out my elbows or had to do it over again in order to get a good lift.

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